Meal and Rest Breaks Report

Did You Know?

Did you know we offer a Meal and Rest Breaks report? This report is available through the ComplianceHR Reference Center. It includes our new side-by-side comparisons and content smart link features. This report presents the previous Meal and Rest content, but breaks it down into smaller topics. Now, you can find the information you’re looking for more efficiently, and you can easily share it with your colleagues.

You may be wondering, “How or why would I use this report?” Conveniently, the Meal and Rest Report answers the following questions for your selected jurisdiction(s):

  • Are meal periods required?
  • Does a meal period need to be paid if a meal is given?
  • Can the employer require that a meal period be taken on the premises?
  • Are rest breaks required?
  • If a rest break is given, does the rest break need to be paid?
  • Can the employer require that a rest break be taken on the premises?
  • Can meal periods or rest breaks be waived?
  • What exceptions or special provisions exist for meal periods or rest breaks?

Learn more about accessing the new Meal and Rest break report in the Knowledge Center. Or, if you would like to learn more about the Reference Center, you can join our Client Services team at our Live Open Office Hours. Additionally, you can reach out to us at with any questions.

If you are not an existing client, we welcome you to register for a free demo. After you’ve met with our compliance consultant, you can receive a free trial to use all of the Navigator Suite applications. Register for a demonstration.

About ComplianceHR

ComplianceHR offers the only on-demand, intelligent suite of compliance applications. Our solutions help companies address the ever-changing federal and state employment law requirements. As such, they include insight on minimum wage, overtime, independent contracting, and more.

Our solutions empower employers of all sizes and industries to handle complex compliance issues. Moreover, it will take less time, cost, and complexity than traditional methods. The Navigator Suite simplifies employment law compliance, allowing you to streamline your compliance workflow in only a few simple clicks.