Labor Law for Employers: What Every Business Needs to Know

Labor Law for Employers: What Every Business Needs to Know

Labor Law for Employers: What Every Business Needs to Know The Biden NLRB has issued several important decisions that impact both unionized and nonunionized employers. Moreover, unions and unrepresented employees have participated in a wide range of concerted activities, including walkouts, strikes, or other demonstrations in 2023. In addition, the NLRB General Counsel and the…

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Are You Ready for the June 18th PWFA Rule?

Are You Ready For The June 18th PWFA Rule

Are You Ready for the June 18th PWFA Rule? The EEOC published its final regulations and Interpretative Guidance implementing the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA). During the commenting period, the PWFA received over 100,000 public comments on the proposed regulations. The revised PWFA rule will take effect on June 18, 2024. The final regulations clarify…

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Think Before You Speak: Navigating Employee Leave Scenarios

Think Before You Speak: Navigating Employee Leave Scenarios

Think Before You Speak: Navigating Employee Leave Scenarios The topic of employee leave is incredibly complex. Navigating this topic means understanding a multitude of national and state-specific requirements, situational policies, and specific compliance expectations for employers. It can feel impossible to understand all of the potential employee leave scenarios. During this 60-minute webinar, Rocio Blanco…

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