Chevron is Gone. What’s Next for Labor and Employment Law?

Chevron is Gone. What's Next for Labor and Employment Law

Chevron is Gone. What’s Next for Labor and Employment Law? If you’re an employer, you likely struggle to comply with federal regulations issued by the DOL, NLRB, or the EEOC, especially when agency positions change. On Friday, June 28, 2024, the Supreme Court overruled Chevron, USA Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council. In 1984, the…

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An Insider’s View of the EEOC

An Insider's View of the EEOC - Recent and Current Strategies, Litigation, Settlements and What's on the Horizon

An Insider’s View of the EEOC Recent and Current Strategies, Litigation, Settlements and What’s on the Horizon We are in a presidential election year, but employers should not expect a slowdown in actions taken by the EEOC. To the contrary, the EEOC now has a Democratic majority through at least the remainder of this administration…

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Navigating Fair Workweek Laws Across the United States

Navigating Fair Workweek Laws and Predictable Scheduling Laws Across the United States

Predictably Unpredictable: Navigating Fair Workweek Laws Across the United States Currently, New York City, Chicago, Philadelphia, Seattle, Los Angeles, Emeryville, San Francisco, and Oregon have implemented predictable scheduling laws. Generally, these laws require covered employers to: Provide at least 14 days’ advance notice of schedules Obtain written consent from employees when adding shifts Pay premiums…

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Labor Law for Employers: What Every Business Needs to Know

Labor Law for Employers: What Every Business Needs to Know

Labor Law for Employers: What Every Business Needs to Know The Biden NLRB has issued several important decisions that impact both unionized and nonunionized employers. Moreover, unions and unrepresented employees have participated in a wide range of concerted activities, including walkouts, strikes, or other demonstrations in 2023. In addition, the NLRB General Counsel and the…

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The DOL’s Final Overtime Rule: What Employers Need to Know

The DOL's Final Overtime Rule

The DOL’s Final Overtime Rule: What Employers Need to Know The Department of Labor’s final rule on overtime regulations under the FLSA will take effect on July 1, 2024. This final rule presents employers with many changes in overtime determinations. For example, two of these changes are the increase to the white-collar salary threshold and…

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Overtime Myth: Overtime Rules Don’t Apply to ICs

Employee Overtime Myths Blog Series

Myth 11: Overtime Rules Do Not Apply to Independent Contractors Welcome back to the final post in the series: 11 Employee Overtime Myths. To help you navigate employee overtime classification, we broke one of our most popular whitepapers down into an easily digestible series. The regulatory environment of employee overtime is very complicated, and often…

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Overtime Myth: Comp Time In Lieu of Overtime Pay

Employee Overtime Myths Blog Series

Myth 10: Employers Can Offer Employees Comp Time in Lieu of Overtime Pay Welcome back to the newest post in the blog series: 11 Employee Overtime Myths. To help you navigate employee overtime classification, we broke one of our most popular whitepapers down into an easily digestible series. The regulatory environment of employee overtime is…

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Overtime Myth: Unauthorized Overtime Does Not Need to be Paid

Employee Overtime Myths Blog Series

Myth 9: Unauthorized Overtime Does Not Need to be Paid Welcome back to the newest post in the blog series: 11 Employee Overtime Myths. To help you navigate employee overtime classification, we broke one of our most popular whitepapers down into an easily digestible series. The regulatory environment of employee overtime is very complicated, and…

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Overtime Myth: Employees May Waive Their Right to Overtime

Employee Overtime Myths Blog Series

Myth 8: Employees May Waive Their Right to Overtime as Long as It Is in Writing Welcome back to the newest post in the blog series: 11 Employee Overtime Myths. To help you navigate employee overtime classification, we broke one of our most popular whitepapers down into an easily digestible series. The regulatory environment of…

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Overtime Myth: Federal Overtime Rules Trump State Rules

Employee Overtime Myths Blog Series

Myth 7: Federal Overtime Rules Trump State Rules Welcome back to the newest post in the blog series: 11 Employee Overtime Myths. To help you navigate employee overtime classification, we broke one of our most popular whitepapers down into an easily digestible series. The regulatory environment of employee overtime is very complicated, and often confusing.…

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